

Our second project this year was a series of briefs set by the ISTD. Jenn Trethewey took on the 'Tweet Tweet' brief where the world of social networking was the key inspiration.

"I originally came up with the idea of creating a series of typefaces that would get clearer and clearer because I was looking at communication within social networking sites.  I thought that SN sites were progressing towards commercialism not better communication like I felt they should be, and perfect communication like a perfect type face should aim to eventually be pretty much invisible - or as obvious and simple as a face to face conversation.  So, I created six fonts to reflect this idea, using squares that decrease in size as a reference to the computer screen as the barrier that inhibits 'perfect' communication via social networking.  I called the fonts: 

When I was thinking about the context I wanted my typefaces to be used in, the meaning changed slightly.  I saw that the fonts could be used as a heirachy for information on social networking sites - what does the user want to be able to read clearly and what tweets/statuses/updates would they rather not see?  Everyone at some point whilst using social networking sites is bound to end up annoyed at someone in their live feed - perhaps an old school friend, work collegue or even parent, who whilst not only being annoying enough to notice if their friend count was depleated by one, are also impossible to ignore.  My typefaces allow you to deal with this inconvience by creating a heirachy of how important you SN contacts are to you.  This gives the user of any SN site the ability to control a post from a "friend" or group, of who they have no actual interest in how their child/pet/clubnight is going, so their type satisfying appears as nothing but black squares, it also means that the user's most important contacts would appear in the last, clearest typeface, immediately stand out and be easily read compared to the rest of the text."


Intro Type Issue One!

The first issue of Intro Type is here and we are proud to announce that it features the typeface 'Angst' by Nick Yates. Inside this particular issue is lovely book featuring the typeface in all its glory, 2 limited edition posters and a short film showing the making of the typeface. Not forgetting of course, the typeface available to download for your creative delights. And don't forget to show us what you would do with the typeface.

Intro Type _

As an application for my 'Angst' typeface created a while a go. I decided to create an imaginary type foundry that could showcase the typographic work that students have been doing on our course. I would use my typeface as the first to be featured in a publication that would run alongside a blog.

The publication would raise awareness of our work and the foundry as well as being a way of getting each individual to have creative freedom to produce the content. As a first issue, Angst would feature a book explaining the reasoning behind the typeface, two limited edition posters and a dvd with both the typeface file available to download onto your computer and a 'making of' film.


Collision Course:

Another Bang (!) related typeface was the beautiful Collision Course created by Joe Mason.


What could you do?

As students, we love to promote as much creativity as possible. That's why we'd love to know what you can do. Every typeface we feature in our publication is available to use in what ever way you see fit. You might spot some sort of potential that we never have and we think it would be great if you shared it. 

So what are you waiting for? Get your hands on Angst and get creative! Send a copy of your completed work to intro_type@hotmail.com and we'll feature it on the blog!



"Angst is a typeface inspired by the mounting frustration that occurs to everyone from time to time when things just don't seem to go right for them. It can be things as simple as running out of loo roll or being put on hold, but when enough of these problems occur, a bigger outburst can often be the outcome. As a metaphor for this, Angst is created from the inner mechanism of a kitchen cooking timer. Although not a particularly practical typeface, the playful nature of the letters lends itself to headers and is also great when used in conjunction with other, more legible typefaces."

- Nick Yates

"By the way, the timer was in chicken form. I called her Harriet"